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Top Manufacturer, Supplier of Potassium and Soda Feldspar in Turkey

In this article, I discuss the Best B2B manfuacturer of sodium feldspar and potassium feldspar you can find in turkey who can supply powder, chips/grains, lumps at bulk quantity offered at lowest prices with highest quality based on the various alkaline Content they offer.
best Feldspar in Turkey

Today, Ceramic Business is no longer reserved for High Investment Business players. With the arrival of latest Ceramic technology, and availablity of good source of raw materials like feldspar – anyone can create a professional ceramic tiles in a matter of hours (rather than weeks or months) without much more prior experience or ceramic skills. But Finding Good Quality of Feldspar raw materials for ceramics industries in turkey is not easy task.

In this article, I discuss the Best B2B manfuacturer of sodium feldspar and potassium feldspar you can find in turkey who can supply powder, chips/grains, lumps at bulk quantity offered at lowest prices with highest quality based on the various alkaline Content they offer.

5 Feldspar Features you need to Consider before buying:

  1. Alkaline Content of feldspar: Any of several feldspar minerals containing alkali metals and little calcium. Plagioclase, orthoclase and microcline are alkali feldspars.
  2. Whiteness of feldspar: Measured from 0-100, zero being the dark and 100 being the bright white color on scale.
  3. After firing L A B color values: After melting feldspar at 1200 C, you may get different color prior to firing the powdered form of feldspar. To understand more watch this youtube video on LAB Color Channel below
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  4. Shrinkage Factor: Upon firing feldspar, it has property to shrink than its actual size. Normally it would be around 10%.
  5. Mininmal Impurity: Content like Iron or Calcium might cause defects in glazing. To learn more about this here.

Amazing Things About Feldspar in Turkey.

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According to a study, feldspar is the most abundant mineral in the earth’s crust. The study found that feldspar is typically found in igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. While feldspar is the most abundant mineral in the earth’s crust, it is not the only one. Other minerals, such as quartz, mica, and clay, are also found in rocks. While feldspar is abundant in the earth’s crust, it is not found in all parts of the world. For example, feldspar is not found in Australia, Antarctica, etc. Feldspar is found in many different parts of the world, but the largest deposits are found in Turkey. Turkey is home to some of the largest feldspar deposits in the world. In fact, Turkey has the second largest reserves of feldspar in the world, behind China.

The largest deposit of feldspar in Turkey is located in theİzmir Province. This deposit is estimated to contain more than 1.5 billion tons of feldspar. In addition to its large reserves, Turkey also has a long history of mining feldspar. Feldspar was first mined in Turkey more than two thousand years ago, and the country has been a major producer of the mineral ever since. Today, Stark Mineral in Turkey is one of the world’s leading producers and supplier of feldspar, with an estimated production of more than 20000 ton per month capacity.

Why Feldspar is used in Turkey?

best Feldspar in Turkey

With Rise in Ceramic Industry and Frit manufacturing companies in Turkey, use of Stark’s feldspar has risen up signifactily. Feldspar is used in a variety of ways, the most common of which is in the production of glass. Glass is made by melting Feldspar and other minerals, such as quartz, together. This melting process is called fusing, and the resulting product is called fused glass. Feldspar is also used in the production of ceramics. Ceramics are made by baking Feldspar and other materials, such as clay, together. The resulting product is called ceramic wares. In addition to its use in the production of glass and ceramics, Feldspar is also used in the production of concrete. Concrete is made by mixing Feldspar, cement, and water together.

Feldspar Manufacturer in Turkey – Powder, Chips and Lumps.

There are many different types of feldspar – most commonly are Soda and Potash Feldspar used in ceramics. You can find the best quality at low prices manufactured by Stark Mineral in Turkey. The feldspar supplied in turkey by Stark Mining Group is of exceptional quality and is used in many industries. The feldspar exported in turkey is not only of exceptional quality, but it is also environmentally friendly.

Turkish Potash feldspar Powder Manufacturer

  • Company: Stark Mineral
  • Product name in Turkey: পটাশ ফেল্ডস্পার: বাংলাদেশে পাউডার প্রস্তুতকারক
  • K2O Percentage: 3 – 11 % Potassium Oxides
  • Size: 100 Mesh, 200 Mesh, 300 Mesh, 325 Mesh, 400 Mesh. You can also Customise as per your need.
  • Pricing: Starts at 11 USD per ton for Lumps ex-mines.

Potassium Feldspar Lumps Manufacturer in Turkey

  • Company: PVRMM
  • Product name in Turkey: Türkiye’de Potasyum Feldspat Topakları Üreticisi
  • K2O Percentage: 3 – 11 % Potassium Oxides
  • Size: 1- 30 cm Lumps.
  • Pricing: Starts at 11 USD per ton for chips ex-mines.

K-Feldspar Chips Manufacturer in Turkey

  • Company: PVRMM
  • Product name in Turkey: Türkiye’de Sodyum Feldspat 0-5 mm Cips Üreticisi
  • K2O Percentage: 3 – 11 % Potassium Oxides
  • Size: 0-5mm chips You can also Customise as per your need.
  • Pricing: Starts at 20 USD per ton for chips ex-mines.

Soda Feldspar Powder Turkish Supplier.

  • Company: Stark Microns LLP
  • Product name in Turkey: Soda Feldspat Tozu Türk Tedarikçisi
  • Na2O Percentage: 3 – 9 % Sodium Oxides
  • Size: 100 Mesh, 200 Mesh, 300 Mesh, 325 Mesh, 400 Mesh. You can also Customise as per your need.
  • Pricing: Starts at 11 USD per ton for Lumps ex-mines.

Sodium Feldspar 0-5 mm Chips Manufacturer in Turkey

  • Company: Stark Mines
  • Product name in Turkey: বাংলাদেশে সোডিয়াম ফেল্ডস্পার 0-5 মিমি চিপস প্রস্তুতকারক
  • Na2O Percentage: 3 – 9 % Sodium Oxides
  • Size: 0-5 mm chips. You can also Customise as per your need.
  • Pricing: Starts at 20 USD per ton for Chips ex-mines.

Na-Feldspar Lumps Manufacturer in Turkey

  • Company: PVRMM
  • Product name in Turkey: Türkiye’de Na-Feldspat Topak Üreticisi
  • K2O Percentage: 3 – 10 % Sodium Oxides
  • Size: 1- 30 cm Lumps.
  • Pricing: Starts at 10 USD per ton for chips ex-mines.


So if you are looking for Best Quailty B2B Source of ceramic grade potassium feldspar or Sodium Feldspar, then look no further – Stark Mineral is key manufacturer and Supplier in Turkey of Feldspar such as k-feldspar and Na-feldspar for past 25 years in Turkey. Stark Minerals offer wide range of product forms like lumps chips and grains as per Industry requirement with state of the art manufacturing process. In My opionion, if you want long term business relationship and best in class services and technical support on feldspar product and process, then choose Stark Mineral Group. They have best offer prices and fast service with mining operation capacity upto 20,000 tons per month spread across 5 mining units.

Disclaimer: Pricing may vary according to the transportation charges. Kindly confirm with the company before proceeding.

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