বাংলাদেশের শীর্ষ পটাশ ও সোডা ফেল্ডস্পার প্রস্তুতকারক : Learn More about this here https://starkmineral.com/feldspar-in-bangladesh/
Contact me at +919426500927 – Whatsapp | WeChat | Line | Zalo | iMessage | Skype or mail us at info@starkmineral.com
Stark Group is a Mining company located in India with Multiple Locations.
Our main products include:
– Feldspar (K-feldspar, Na-feldspar)
– Quartz (Snow, Super, Semi, Glossy, Low E.C.)
– Mica (Brown Muscovite Ruby Mica)
Stark Production Units:
– Stark Mineral, Rajasthan
– Stark Mining and Minerals, Rajasthan
– Stark Mines, Rajasthan
– Neelkanth Mines, Rajasthan
– PVR Metals and Minerals, Andhra Pradesh.
– Stark Microns, Gujarat.
Visit us: https://starkmineral.com
Product Catalogue: https://tinyurl.com/4h9mw5xc
email: info@starkmineral.com
Mob: +91 942 650 0927
whatsapp: https://Wa.me/919426500927
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