Muscovite Mica is widely used in paint and electronics industries as powerfull insulator. Paint Coating for ships, shipping container etc. commonly use mica powder for high brightness and inert nature of mica preventing from iron corrosion in ocean.
Electronics items such as mica paper are create from scrap which are stacked and pressed to form mica board. This reduces the cost of buying high quailty mica as manufacturer prefering to build product from mica scrap material are highly useful.
Other mica products like powder is commonly seen in cosmetic industry, rubber industry, pearlescent pigment, mica paper & mica tape due to its high tensile strength & dielectric properties.
You can buy Mica Raw material directly from Mining Unit at Stark Mineral Group located in Andhra Pradesh.
Contact me at +919426500927 – whatsapp | wechat | line | zalo | imessage | skype or mail us at info@starkmineral.com
Stark is a Mining company located in India with Multiple Locations.
Our main products include:
– Feldspar (K-feldspar, Na-feldspar)
– Quartz (Snow, Super, Semi, Glossy)
– Mica (Brown Muscovite Ruby Mica)
Stark Units:
– Stark Mineral, Rajasthan
– Stark Mining and Minerals, Rajasthan
– Stark Mines, Rajasthan
– Neelkanth Mines, Rajasthan
– PVR Metals and Minerals, Andhra Pradesh.
– Stark Microns, Gujarat.
Visit us: https://starkmineral.com
Product Catalogue: https://tinyurl.com/4h9mw5xc
email: info@starkmineral.com
Mob: +91 942 650 0927
whatsapp: https://Wa.me/919426500927
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