Potash feldspar is known for its alkalinity in ceramic. Alkaline Flux helps to reduce the temperature of melting and binding of ceramic materials from 1800 to1200 degrees C.
Things to Know before Buying Feldspar:
– Check Whiteness Color after firing
– Check Shrinkage after firing: Normally it’s around 11%
– Check LAB color channels for better color measurements
– Check Alkalinity combined value of K2O and Na2O
– If buying from India check Company with GST Company Number used as govt registration and IEC license for exporting. You can verify it on govt portal.
– Check Mining Certificates to avoid getting scammed.
– Check Location of Mines: Prefer material generally from Rajasthan, Telengana, or Andhra Pradesh states in India.
– To get a Low-Cost offer for importing to your country: Prefer mines which are near sea Port to reduce transportation cost as diesel fuel pricing in India is higher than in other countries.
You can have One Stop Solution to all your Problem:
– Shop online with us as we solve all the above issues plus we offer potash feldspar in bulk quantities directly from 5 mining units.
Buy Low-cost potash feldspar:
Stark is a Mining company located in India with Multiple Locations.
Our main products include:
– Feldspar (K-feldspar, Na-feldspar)
– Quartz (Snow, Super, Semi, Glossy)
– Mica (Brown Muscovite Ruby Mica)
Stark Units:
– Stark Mineral, Rajasthan
– Stark Mining and Minerals, Rajasthan
– Stark Mines, Rajasthan
– Neelkanth Mines, Rajasthan
– PVR Metals and Minerals, Andhra Pradesh.
– Stark Microns, Gujarat.
Visit us: https://starkmineral.com
Product Catalogue: https://tinyurl.com/4h9mw5xc
email: info@starkmineral.com
Mob: +91 942 650 0927
whatsapp: https://Wa.me/919426500927
Our Products:
English: Potassium Feldspar, Quartz, Muscovite Mica
Japanese – カリウム長石, 長石ナトリウム、石英、白雲母マイカ
Korean – 칼륨 장석, 장석 나트륨, 석영, 백운모 운모
Vietnamese – fenspat kali, Natri Fenspat, Thạch anh, Mica Muscovite
Indonesia – kalium feldspar, Natrium Feldspar, Kuarsa, Mika Moskow
Arabic – الفلسبار البوتاسيوم, الفلسبار الصوديوم ، الكوارتز ، ميكا موسكو
Chinese – 钾长石, 钠长石、石英、白云母
Malay – kalium feldspar, Sodium Feldspar, Quartz, Muscovite Mica
Bengali – পটাসিয়াম ফেল্ডস্পার, সোডিয়াম ফেল্ডস্পার, কোয়ার্টজ, মাস্কোভাইট মিকা
Turkish – potasyum feldispat, Sodyum Feldspat, Kuvars, Muskovit Mika
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