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11 Best Ways To Reduce Cost For Manufacturing Ceramic Products

11 Best Ways to Reduce Costing For Manufacturing Ceramic Products

If you are working in the ceramics manufacturing industry, you might have an idea of – How competitive this space has become in the past decade. Right?! To survive a competitive market, you need to optimize operations and minimize the manufacturing cost of your company. So you must follow specific rules to overcome the competitive pricing challenge.

Today, we will discuss several valuable components of ceramic manufacturing and break down its manufacturing process.

1. Finding Competitive Suppliers Source for Materials

Finding Competitive Suppliers Source for Materials

Search for more competitive suppliers for your ceramic raw materials by the Net. You can also find to similar business like you to source raw materials on directory. When Sourcing raw materials, you can always check company’s mining quarry and their production units – as they can give lowest competitive rates possible -for example stark mineral company. Access to quality ceramic raw materials at lower prices helps your company grow in a competitive market. If you can’t find the low-pricing ceramic raw material from a supplier, you might want to try negotiating longer-term contracts, which tend to lower prices. Bulk discounts are helpful to the business if they are in a deal with a long-term contract.

Stark Mineral Group helps you source quality and consistent ceramic raw materials like feldsparquartz, and mica directly from mining units spread across Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh in bulk quantities capacity up to 10,000 metric tonnes. Our sizing includes 100 mesh, 200 mesh, and 300 mesh, 0-5mm Chips and Lumps. To know more, contact me at +919426500927 or mail us at info.starkmineral@gmail.com.


2. Automate & Removing Repetitive Manual Operations

Automate & Removing Repetitive Manual Operations

Start with a survey of all your vital operating costs, and track them for a set time. Over time, you will notice the importance of specific areas, whereas you can remove particular operations which can be grouped and handled by single-member. Assess this survey operation, and it helps you reduce or eliminate the limiting administrative costs and managing debt. Look also at how much you’re paying for other services, such as maintenance, stockyard rents, etc.

3. Improved Quality & Efficiency

Improved Quality & Efficiency

A big part of the ceramic tile manufacturing process is ensuring product quality. However, it’s also essential to focus on efficiency to streamline the process and minimize waste. There are several ways to improve quality and efficiency in the manufacturing process:

a) Reduce setup time: Time is Money! You all agree with me when it comes to managing machinery. Any technical fault/ failure in machinery can interrupt the entire manufacturing process. Delaying this repair results in loss as the production cycle slows down. Tip: Have a spare item ready to be replaced rather than fixing it on the spot or for heavy machinery- Hire an expert technician who can fix the problem in lesser time. This will help you save your time and lower downs the production cost.

b) Use lean manufacturing techniques: Lean manufacturing is about eliminating waste and maximizing value. Several lean tools can be used in the manufacturing process. Learn More.

c) Invest in new equipment: Newer equipment is often more efficient than older equipment, so it can help invest in newer machines when possible.

d) Improve communication and collaboration: Communication problems can lead to errors and rework, so it’s crucial to have systems and processes in place for effective communication between all team members. Setup online workflow on the website, where you can update the progress status for each machinery online, helps to coordinate your working environment. Contact here to develop this tool specific to your company.

4. Proper utilization of machinery & trained staff

Proper utilization of machinery & trained staff

Operating a factory is no easy task – many moving parts must be coordinated daily. For everything to run smoothly, it’s essential to have well-trained staff members who know how to operate the machinery properly. Furthermore, the machinery should be well-maintained and regularly serviced to minimize breakdowns and check on Utilities, insurance coverage, and other incidental charges.


5. Continual Streamline Enhancements

Continual Streamline Enhancements

Once you have implemented the above measures, you must continue looking for ways to improve the ceramic tile manufacturing process. This could involve investing in new technology, improving communication and collaboration, or further streamlining operations. By continually striving for improvement, you can ensure that your company remains competitive and can produce high-quality ceramic tiles products at a lower cost.


6. Compact Work Environment.

6 Compact Work Environment.

Spreading out your ceramic manufacturing workstations units too much can increase the travel time between them. For example, if a worker takes 15 minutes to travel to the warehouse to stock ceramic tiles or the time taken for loading raw material is more than its signal to improve your workflow efficiency and reduce the traveling distance. Every second saved can help your company lower costs and achieve higher production value.


7. Research Your Product Materials.

Research Your Product Materials.

You might also consider using fewer alternatives to some materials or cheaper base materials for your product. Hence you will reduce cost and achieve results without significantly impacting ceramic tile’s quality. Stark Group delivers material at an affordable rate, and you can check out more details of our products.


8. Lower Your Shipping Costs.

Lower Your Shipping Costs.

a. Check time and fuel used during transporting ceramic raw materials and delivering finished goods.

b. Check delivery routes – Finding new routes may reduce travel time or distances and will help you increase the number of daily shipments.

c. You can sign a contract with a transport company and negotiate a long-term contract with a competitively priced firm, preferably a local or non-brand company.


9. Optimize Energy Consumption

Optimize Energy Consumption

A Survey of your machinery and the general workflow is needed. Checking this will help you find Machinery/tools that use higher energy. Hence can be replaced or programmed to sleep once not in use, as there are times when less energy is required. You can install an automated control system to optimize energy use, helping you save on your electricity bill.


10. Design New Packaging

Design New Packaging

Avoid Excess packaging as its wasteful and harms nature. It also adds to the weight of ceramic products and therefore increases transport costs. Try to fit as many ceramic tiles as possible in a single box. It helps reduces overall weight. You can add a thin sheet of foam layer to solve ceramic damage caused during transporting for larger dimension tiles.

11. Reduce and Reuse Scrap.

Reduce and Reuse Scrap.

Trying to lower the scrap can help boost your production process, ultimately lowering the cost of the ceramic tiles product. This wastage can also be sold to grinding units or can process locally on your own. Reusing this scrap powder can lower the pricing of your Manufactured ceramic tiles.

Hope this information helped you gain knowledge insights of manufacturing techniques that might help you lower down your production cost. If you find this information useful, share it with your team.

If you are looking for trusted ceramic raw material consistent supply than contact us.

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